Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Guys, I have the plague. No bueno. 
My least favorite part about being sick is having nothing to do. I've watched the entire third season of Mad Men today. I went to one class to turn in a paper and felt like death the entire time. I revised some poetry. I watched Down by Law. I finished my book in which a man dies of typhoid in North Africa and now I'm scared. 
I feel like my brains are melting from staring at my computer screen for so long. I have an application to get started on, I have lots of reading, I have five poems to write, I want to exercise, but I effing can't do any of these things because I'm delirious. Sucks, man. 
For some reason this has got to be THE BEST week to get sick, though. All my classes but one are cancelled for the rest of the week. How does that happen?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh, Internet

The internet really never fails to impress, does it? I mean, I used spend hours upon hours on StumbleUpon, yet I still had to force myself to stop. Now that it doesn't work on my computer anymore (I can't explain it) I still find the weirdest shit on the internet, and it's awesome. Just now I came across Regretsy and laughed for fifteen minutes straight. It's obviously a collection of all the crappy shit people try to sell on Etsy. I would totally dish out $99,000 for this gem:

Jesus, why did I not receive this for my birthday?

Also, in my search for this year's ~*sexy*~ Halloween costume, I've decided on this:

Sexy Nemo? Uh, I guess so. I mean, it makes absolutely no sense but it's hot, right?

Finally, I'll leave you with a cake that I'm very upset wasn't baked for me:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Birthday Sex All Around

Wahh, I'm 21 you guys. Can you believe it? I can't. 
My bird day was wonderful (because I know you were totally on the edge of your seats in curiosity).
Yeah, I'm a little tipsy. My fingers are quite working right (I originally typed 'dingers'). I would usually pass out right now, but Andy is working on a project and the only place we get internet is in the middle of the bed, so I'd figured I would try to finish The Sound and the Fury (not happening) or waste time doing some other shit, so here I am. It's not my birthday any more, so I guess I don't feel guilty for writing some sort of crap on the internet when I should be out "having fun." Whatever, guys. Fun is a fleeting attempt to fill the void, and yes I'm a zen Buddhist. No, I'm not. 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thank You, Bust Magazine

While perusing the newest issue of Bust Magazine, I came across a blurb about Garfunkel and Oates, a female comedy duo from L.A. They were dubbed the female Flight of the Conchords, so I youtubed the shit out of them and let me tell you, I dig. Check it:

Friday, October 2, 2009

3 Miracles of October

October is my FAVORITE, and not only because it's my birthday month. In Tucson it starts getting perfect outside: bearable during the day and cool breezes at night. It's hot enough to swim until Halloween, when it officially becomes winter-coat weather. I love it, and yesterday the first day of the best month of the year certainly did not betray me. There were little miracles happening all around and I'll share just three with you.

First of all, Andy and I were reading last week's Tucson Weekly in search of somewhere new and exciting to eat in celebration of the end of Midterms. Whenever we feel like splurging (I hate that word) on a meal, we usually stick to Yoshimatsu or El Minuto, but since I had a copy of the Weekly lying around we though we'd try something different. We decided to go with Char's (5039 E. 5th St.), which was voted best Thai restaurant. I haven't been that far east in a while but it was worth it. It's adorably-decorated and family owned, with little Thai babies running around saying hi to you every five minutes. The table we sat at was plastered in pictures of Princess Diana, which was equally awesome and creepy. The food was amazing and well-priced (8-ish dollars for most meals). Whatever I got was fucking amazing and I ate the entire thing even though it was way too much food. I don't even know if I've ever had Thai food before, but I'm coming back to that place ASAP. 
The second miracle of the day was simple: I somehow found a bra that doesn't make my boobs look fucking HUMONG. 'Nuff said, dudes. That kind of thing never happens to me and I'm so fucking happy. 
Last miracle: PUMPKIN PIE SHEESHA. Oh man. Andy and I went to Moon later in the night to get some more Jasmine sheesha, which has been the only thing we'll smoke for a while now. We were talking to the lady there about other kinds to try and she let us smell Pumpkin Pie, which they had just gotten in. She said people either love it or hate it, and I decided to try it because it seriously smells so good you could eat it. It's pretty awesome. It tastes like pumpkin bread and makes the house smell like baked goods, which I can always appreciate. I can imagine it will be absolutely perfect when it gets a little colder outside, it's a great seasonal scent. LOVE IT.

Well, I hope October continues to be such a badass. I plan to enjoy my last days of underage drinking tonight and tomorrow night, hopefully sipping 40's like the good ol' days. Bittersweet, friends.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

For Y(O)ur Viewing Pleasure

I mean, really. Just stop it.