Monday, September 21, 2009

Some Thoughts

Poetry is consuming my life and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It seems as though I'm constantly reading, writing, and now listening to poetry. Last week I went to a reading with my dad and he awkwardly asked me, " can we be poetry partners?" I don't know what that means, but yes dad, of course we can. Then we talked about how he is very Whitman-esque in every way while I'm more like Bukowski (minus the prostitutes), and how based on these generalizations we shouldn't be able to get along. But I love my dad more than anything, and maybe that's why I like Walt Whitman so much.
I'm sick right now and can hardly think, so I'll leave you with two poems that have been on my mind lately. We've been reading them in my Literary Analysis class and I have to chose one to write a paper on. 

"The Panther" by Rainer Maria Rilke

The Rilke translation is different from the one I've been using, but it's close enough. Also, Linh Dinh is reading his poetry at the printing press I intern at in November, if you're interested.

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