Monday, November 30, 2009

Can't Femmes and Vegans Live in Harmony?

I don't want to get all political on you here, but I just found this video from the Onion that expresses my opinions on PETA quite well.  I've been a vegetarian for years and I believe in and support animal rights 100%, but PETA will never earn my respect. I agree with their message, but not their execution. Dehumanizing and sexualizing women to grab attention is never okay. That said, I really hate the reactions to PETA ads that I read on feminist blogs, which are usually along the lines of, "fuck PETA I'm going to enjoy a massive steak now." I'm so tired of meat eaters cloaking their guilt of killing animals and supporting a harmful, inhumane system by glorifying food. It's not cute.  
Also, why doesn't my spellcheck recognize the word "vegans?" Really?

I know, I sound like such a bleeding-heart hippy, don't I? I should go back to listening to The Fame Monster.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Beyonce + Gaga

I was pretty psyched for Video Phone to come out because although I'm outwardly in love with Lady Gaga, Beyonce has always had a pretty big piece of my heart. What can I say? I grew up bumping Destiny's Child (CUZ YOU A BUGABOO, A BUGABOO [I'm effing sorry]!) and deep down I know I'd go gay for her if given the chance. 
I thought the combination Gaga and Sasha Fierce would blow my mind, but to echo the opinions of other people, Video Phone left me feeling a little underwhelmed. My main problems with it are the lack of Gaga, some really fug outfits on Beyonce, and Lady Gaga's plastered hookerface makeup, which has evidently become her "natural" look. Gross. 
I can forgive and forget, though. I really love the Tarantino feel, especially in the beginning. The choreography is pretty half-assed but some parts are cool...I like the camera-head men. I think what basically saves everything is Beyonce's look at 2:53. Uh...cholla Bettie Page? God yes, dude. I want a fucking wig. 

In other news, I've been watching a lot of Tarantino films in my literary analysis class and I need to see Inglourious Basterds again. I've developed a slightly creepy crush on Christoph Waltz. What can I say? I'm obsessed with older men, but not Nazis. Whatever. His under-bite is so endearing. 

Oh my god, guys, he is so adorable in real life, too.
 Lah, lah, love

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Guys, can we please talk about Bad Romance??

Gah, I'm beyond obsessed. I like the video so much, I think I'm starting to like the song, too, which surprises me. 

I told someone I could list over 10 things that are genius about the video, so take note:

Razor blade glasses.

2. Lady Gaga lap dance at 2:41.  

3. Sign of the cross dance at 3:18. Brilliant.
4.   Head-to-toe McQueen-adillo plus claw-hand. 

5. Albino animalss (hairless sphinx, dead bat in the nakee scenes, and her bear robe, unless you want to say it's a polar bear). 

6. Tranny look at 4:06.

7. BOOTY at 4:18. 

8. I wish I had a screen cap of my second favorite outfit (first is the McQueen-adillo, obviously), the red one. Very Leeloo Dallas Multipass ala The Fifth Element. 

9.  Um, yes.

10. Overall, I just really dig the many themes of the video. The concept of Russian human trafficking, the multiple religious references, Where the Wild Things Are influence, this outfit's manifestation. There are probably a million more I overlooked. 

Video stills are from here.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

And then you die.

What am I doing? What do I ever do?
I tired of writing papers...not the time and effort they require, but the monotony of writing one after another. They don't mean anything. Everyone knows this, but as humanities students we calm our consciouses by discussing why art matters, why thinking about art matters. But every time I do literary analysis the final product is rarely very satisfying because no one gives a shit. No one gets it, and I don't blame anyone for it. 
I only feel really good when someone reads and enjoys my poetry, but writing good poetry is so incredibly rare for me. Out of all my work, I'd say I have one really good poem. One. Who the fuck cares if I have on poem that's decent?
I'm not trying to make this into a self-pitying rant. I just wish I was remotely interested in science, or something useful. I should go to law school, probably. 

The funny thing is I just wrote a personal statement about why the humanities are important and why I plan to become a teacher. Yay, bullshit.