Guys, can we please talk about Bad Romance??
Gah, I'm beyond obsessed. I like the video so much, I think I'm starting to like the song, too, which surprises me.
I told someone I could list over 10 things that are genius about the video, so take note:
Razor blade glasses.
2. Lady Gaga lap dance at 2:41.
3. Sign of the cross dance at 3:18. Brilliant.
5. Albino animalss (hairless sphinx, dead bat in the nakee scenes, and her bear robe, unless you want to say it's a polar bear).
6. Tranny look at 4:06.
7. BOOTY at 4:18.
8. I wish I had a screen cap of my second favorite outfit (first is the McQueen-adillo, obviously), the red one. Very Leeloo Dallas Multipass ala The Fifth Element.
10. Overall, I just really dig the many themes of the video. The concept of Russian human trafficking, the multiple religious references, Where the Wild Things Are influence, this outfit's manifestation. There are probably a million more I overlooked.
Video stills are from here.
yes! i just posted about this video too because it is so good, although i have to admit i think my main interest at first was the mcqueen, but now i love it all.